To start working with us, just refer a patient by filling out a Zeph form or faxing a patient referral to (212) 861-2842. That’s it!

Pulmonary outpatient care needs a radical change
Less than 3% of Medicare beneficiaries with COPD receive pulmonary rehabilitation due to access and transportation barriers. Let’s change that!
Let us take care of, well, everything
Feel confident handing off your patients to us for comprehensive pulmonary rehab. We’ll handle everything from A to Z and report back to you when they finish the program!
Here’s how the Zeph program works:

We review your patient’s records and send them a Zeph kit, including a pre-loaded tablet.

We’ll work with the patient for 8 weeks and handle exercises, remote monitoring, and data gathering. We’ll even connect them to a community of COPD patients for support.

We’ll report back with a summary of how the patient improved throughout the program. The summary will include longitudinal data to inform your continued care with the patient.

Facts are facts, and pulmonary rehab…
Lowers re-hospitalization risk if completed upon discharge by 56%
Saves healthcare institutions $8,226 per patient within 12 months
The Zeph Difference

Improved outcomes
Ai-based insights motivate patients to complete the program (and yes, that impacts HEDIS scores).

Automated monitoring devices give patients personalized treatment plans and insights — so their care is optimized.